From July 2023 to October 2023, I visited the Berkeley NetSys Lab at the University of California, Berkeley, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Sylvia Ratnasamy and Prof. Dr. Scott Shenker.
From February 2016 to July 2016, I was a visiting researcher at the Broadband Wireless Networking Lab, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz, working on Network Virtualization for 5G Software-Defined Cellular Systems.
Prior to joining ETH Zürich, I received a Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (2018) and a Bachelor's Degree in Science and Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (2016), both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona, Spain.
I have also worked for organizations like Cloudflare (2023), armasuisse (2019), IBM (2017), and CERN (2015).
In-Network Congestion Management for Security and Performance
Everything Matters in Programmable Packet Scheduling
Principles for Internet Congestion Management
QVISOR: Virtualizing Packet Scheduling Policies
Reducing P4 Language's Voluminosity using Higher-Level Constructs
Aggregate-Based Congestion Control for Pulse-Wave DDoS Defense
SP-PIFO: Approximating Push-In First-Out Behaviors using Strict-Priority Queues
Experimental Assessment of 5-10Gbps 5G Multicarrier Waveforms with Intensity-Modulation Direct-Detection for PONs
Towards Wireless Infrastructure-as-a-Service (WIaaS) for 5G Software-Defined Cellular Systems
Aggregate-Based Congestion Control for Pulse-Wave DDoS Defense
Weak-Origin DoS Defense
- Confidential.